for you

  • In moments when distress has a hold of you, speaking with a qualified counsellor can be really helpful. Free of charge support lines are available to you in Australia, whenever you need them.

    • Beyond blue - 1300 22 4636

    • Full Stop DV Impact Line - 1800 385 578
      If you are exposed to domestic violence in your work.

    • CRANA Bush Crisis Line - 1800 805 391
      For workers in regional & remote communities.

  • Reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress: Skills for Sustaining a Career in the Helping Professions - Dr Brian Miller

    TEND Toolkit
    (Subscription based resource hub)

    Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others - Laura Laura van Dernoot Lipsky (book / audiobook)

    Alternative ways to look at Vicarious Trauma & Worker Burnout: The Zone of Fabulousness - Vicki Reynolds (6min, youtube)

    How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia (4min, youtube)

    Beyond the Cliff - Laura van Dernoot Lipsky(20min, youtube)

    PASTT Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Vicarious Trauma Guidebook
    Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma provides a deeper exploration professional dynamics which emerge from chronic stress and trauma exposure. It introduces the ideas of

    • empathetic strain & counter transference reactions

    • introduces un-mirroring exercises

    • self care vs transformation and,

    • vicarious growth & compassion satisfaction.

  • Black Dog Australia’s Online Clinic - Free Mental Health Assesment
    (Free, online, anonymous)
    The Online Clinic takes you through a range of clinical assessments for common mental health conditions. At the end you will receive a personalised report with suggested support services and free or low-cost resources for you to access. This report can be downloaded, printed or emailed to share with your family or doctor.

    Secondary Traumatic Stress Self-Screening Tools
    (online, confidential self-assesment)
    The University of Kentucky Center on Trauma & Children offer access to online self-screeners to explore the impact of your work across the domains of:

    • Secondary traumatic stress

    • Moral distress

    • Stress

    • Burnout

    • Compassion satisfaction

    Understanding Your Nervous System
    Stress and trauma are processed in the body. Vicarious trauma and chronic stress can impact the way your body reacts to the world around you.

    When seeking to reduce symptoms of burnout and vicarious trauma, it can be helpful to learn a little more about might be going on for your nervous system, and explore ways of supporting the nervous system to regulate.

    These videos provide some helpful starting points:

  • Indirect exposure to trauma is a known psychological hazard which can contribute to the onset of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

    If you are concerned about the impact of your work on your health and well-being, it can be helpful to work with a GP or mental health professional to make a plan together. Consider

    • Accessing an Employee Assistance Provider (EAP), if you have one

    • Speaking to your GP about access to a Mental Health Care Plan

    Note - if you are experiencing distressing memories or nightmares related to things you’ve seen or learnt about at work, it might be best to speak to the GP about a referral to a clinical psychologist who is skilled evidence-based trauma treatment approaches.

    There are a specific set of interventions that are particularly helpful for working with these symptoms, it is common for EAP providers not to have this specialist training.

    Black Dog Australia - myCompass
    (Free app)
    A practical mental health app that combines mood tracking with evidence-based learning activities. Track your experiences across depression, anxiety, stress and sleep, and learn strategies that psychologists use to support mental wellbeing. The app shows you patterns in your mental health over time, helping you understand what helps and what doesn't. Includes 14 learning modules based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

    Compassion-Based Practices for Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Resource Guide for Helping Professionals
    This book offers clear strategies for managing indirect trauma in professional roles; combining evidence-informed approaches with practical tools that can be applied in daily work.

    Trauma sensitive yoga
    This approach is orientated toward supporting you to safely explore felt-sense in your body, using invitational language to guide you through a series of stretches. You may find practitioners offering in-person classes in your community.

    Black Dog Institute - Navigating Burnout Course
    (Free online short course - text and video content)
    Black Dog Institute have developed a short e-course, designed for healthcare workers but useful for all, in navigating experiences of burnout.

  • TEND Toolkit - Secondary Traumatic Stress 101
    (Developed in Canada – 2.5 hours on demand, free)
    Designed for professionals working in trauma-exposed, high-stress environments. Developed and led by Françoise Mathieu, a world leader in trauma and crisis work. This course explores the impact of trauma exposure and offers strategies and tools to stay well.

    Staying Inside the Window of Tolerance: An Advanced Training on Secondary Traumatic Stress and Resiliency 
    (Developed in the US – on demand, free)
    Developed by the University of Kentucky Center on Trauma & Children - world leaders in the field of secondary traumatic stress. This practical training explores the relationship between trauma exposure and the nervous system.

    Phoenix Australia – Vicarious trauma: Building workplace resilience
    ($220AUD, 4 hours self-paced)
    Developed by Australia's National Centre of Excellence in Posttraumatic Mental Health - Phoenix Australia.

    Full Stop Australia: Introduction to vicarious trauma
    ($77AUD, 1 hour self-paced)
    A straightforward introduction to vicarious trauma developed by specialist trainers in trauma-informed practice and family violence.

…Take refuge in your senses, open up
To all the small miracles you rushed through.

Gradually, you will return to yourself,
Having learned a new respect for your heart
And the joy that dwells far within slow time.

— John O’Donohue
extract from For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing

  • See above.

  • See above.

Developed by Amy Nicholas (2023) with design support from

Disclaimer: This website is intended as a general information resource only, recommendations provided here should not be substituted for appropriate risk management processes or legal advice. All organisations and individuals should consider and implement changes that are appropriate to their circumstances.